19 February 2009

Philology Part I

Philology from its very etyma will give us the correct and exact definition--love of study. Philology as of recent use has come to mean love of words and/or love of learning. From the Greek point of view, it means love of knowledge.

First of all, we focus our attention on the fields of Philology. Philology is a vast and comprehensive field like that of linguistics and philomathy. Here, we limit our discussion of the pervading subjects: language, rhetoric and literature. By no means are treated separately the major fields of the medieval trivium: language, grammar and rhetoric.

Language is very important, indispensable and inevitable to one`s own existence and word is its very building block. Rhetoric cannot be denied because it is the primary root of good, effective and understandable communication, especially speech and stylistic expression. Literature is the third corner of human endeavor. It devotes itself into writing and speaking the produce of human society of a specific place and era.

Language is a very exciting subject for it is the door to the path of understanding. Basically, we need to study our own language first and foremost. We have to investigate and get the gist of the matter so as to promote permanence on regionalism . Then, we have to compare and/or contrast it to the lingua franca of a certain country, nation, or race. For an effective interlingual communication, people must therefore learn to know the existence of a root language--the ABC`s of our words. We have to give our capacity in the search of the Root Words.

Rhetoric for all we know is a matter of choice. We cannot neglect to say and use its devices for daily subsistence. We will never employ it on its defect. Rhetoric is a language of the bombast, they say;but if we only use it in consonance and harmony to logic we cannot be left illogical. Rhetoric is the subject taught by the rhetors and therefore apt to be adopted and adapted for embellishment of communication.

Literature is very good and better to be best learned. Many people studied literature;others continue to study and yet they never learn.Why? This is because many only focused their attention in its presence but they don`t apply it or refer to it whatsoever in their daily routine of living.

Literature is for the learners who choose those best suited,the very learnable, credible and knowable fact. Although fiction is widespead, it cannot be denied that it is fake and therefore unfit to be likened.

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